Monday, March 9

Writer's BLOG

Yes- I have been suffering from a little bit of writer's blog- (a condition involving temporary loss of ability to begin or continue writing your blog, usually due to lack of inspiration or creativity- I would like to thank Justin for the term)
I just haven't been able to put into writing the things that are on my mind- at least not in an entertaining way.
Luckily during my workout today I seem to have had a break through and a few ideas for interesting and fun blogs have come to mind-

Until then- enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cheryl, I love you blog! I am a serious blog addict. I love keeping up with people through blogs. I see you are in Ontario? What brought you way out there? I hope everything is going well with you, and I am looking forward to your future fun blogs!


I love to hear what you have to say!


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