Tuesday, March 2

1 to 3

About a month ago we were out of diapers and needed to buy Noni some more- so we went to Walmart and bought a freakishly large box of size one diapers- not realizing that our little guy would grow out of size one diapers the next day. He has been in ones ever since....
Here he is sporting some muffin top...
And here he is sporting a happy grin because he knows that he will no longer wake up with a wet sleeper- since this size of diaper is actually made for someone his size and therefore is equipped to hold the amount of urine he produces....

Oh the relief...
I guess the only upside is that we were able to skip the awkward size 2 stage all together.... You all know about the awkward size 2 stage right?

OK- Its a joke- there is nothing awkward about wearing size 2 diapers.

And I had to write that last sentence because Justin just wasn't feeling the humor. He didn't really get it. But I deemed it too funny to delete.
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1 comment:

  1. I feel so much better. I swore it was just me that was feeling so awkward with those size 2 diapers.


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