pancakes shaped like letters or Mickey mouse heads
Chia pets shaped like Homer
Rocks shaped like hearts
Coke in an old-fashioned bottle
A cloud shaped like a dinosaur
Shrunken half eaten rotten apples shaped like an old mans face without any teeth...
(you know what I'm talking about)
And the list goes on and on
When something has a cool shape we are drawn to it- it seems better than the normal circular pancake even though they taste the same.
Well this holds true for the teddy bear bread as well.
I have many a fond memory of teddy bear bread.
And now so does Ruby.
As you can see here she loved making the bread.
And then it grew from baby teddy to big mondo teddy
And then when it was fully cooked Ruby and teddy became fast friends
Though she didn't hesitate to eat it
But later asked if she could hold teddy- only to find that he was half gone... She didn't believe me at first.
And when my back was turned she went into the kitchen to save her dear teddy from the rest of the ravenous snelldogs...
She quickly added him to her hobo stash
But when she got hungry I saw her sneaking a few bites of teddy herself....
I guess 'a hobos gotta do what a hobos gotta do'...
Thanks for the idea mom! Love you!
I'm thinking a 'Hobo vs. The Dinosaur' sequel is in order...