Things have been a little crazy here for the last while and mostly I have been sick- therefore the lack of posts.
This pregnancy is kicking my butt and my only hope is that I will feel better soon.
I am now 14 weeks- and hoping it is smooth sailing from here on out.
Our time here in Alliance is limited and I want to make the most of the time we have left.
Justin only has 8 work days left.
I feel both excited and sad as is to be expected with change.
Being sick has made it easier to leave, I just need my mom. And there is the proof that no matter how old you are you always need your mom.
Anyway my plan is to show you my favorite parts of living here in Alliance.
The things that I want to remember in the years to come.
I hope to be able to show you something each day until we leave.
There is a lot that I do love.
And I think I am finally feeling good enough to actually go to the places that I love.
While you wait for those thrilling posts I will leave you with a short update.
We headed to Kalahari this weekend with some of our great friends from Ohio- the Wrights. (We will miss them) It was a way to celebrate father's day and our anniversary all in one. We are big Kalahari fans and are even thinking of stopping in at the one in Wisconsin on our way home. It was a ton of fun and the kids loved it.
Myers fell asleep in the wave pool once again. And don't worry we kept up the tradition and got ourselves some delicious dippin dots. Rocky Road and my favorite- Banana Split. It was a great time and tired us all out, but I want to go back again- I just love it...
I'm still sick. Did I already mention that? I just haven't been this sick with any other pregnancy... I don't know what to do with myself... I am hoping it gets better soon. Justin just can't do everything forever.
We had our first garage sale- it was fun!
Once again Justin did most of the work- but the great thing about him- he never complains. We sold almost all of our stuff and everything we didn't sell we left on the side of the curb and put free on our yard sale signs and went to get some ice cream. When we returned everything was gone- except this lonely chair. I guess it really was THAT bad.
I have gotten us about half way packed. That may be a little bit of an overestimation but it makes me feel better. Now we just need Justin to stay healthy and we will all survive this move.
We are deciding on our route home- we wanted to stop in at
Mackinac Island again but decided against it. It didn't add very much time on to our trip but once you get that far north it is pretty much deserted and it would make for long stretches between hotels. So we are figuring out our next course of action. It will be truly snellerific I am sure.
And just a quick note on our little Noni.
Right now he insists on being called Horton. Which he pronounces 'Borton'. But DO NOT call him Borton.
He also will not tolerate ANYONE calling him cute.
If you do decide to call him cute he will answer- 'NOT CUTE- BIG.'
And he will probably growl at you.
Also a bum is now called a bum cracker. And he likes to lay the smack down on bum crackers.
We are working on his aggressive side.
There is a lot to do here before we leave- but I do hope to fit in lots of fun too. Ohio will always have a special place in our hearts.... And the fireflies are back- I will miss the fireflies...