Its nice NOW but it wasn't always.
I don't know who graced our halls with their presence before but somehow they managed to make a home that is only 5 years old seem ANCIENT and well... gross and dirty and icky.
They took out the carpet on our main floor because it was beyond cleaning and replaced it with tile- but not the nice kind... think supermarket or hospital.
There were ALOT of things that needed to be replaced or cleaned or fixed- but once those things were done and we got a VERY LARGE area rug I finally feel at home. I feel less icky.
I think that part of this less icky feeling is due to a chance encounter I had last friday. I was coming back from being out with ruby and our maintenance guy was knocking on Clark and Jayne's door. I didn't think much of it until I got to my door and he had suddenly appeared there. He told me that he was on his way over to my house to ask if I wanted to get my vents\ducts (I don't remember which word he used and frankly I don't really know or care to know the difference) cleaned. Apparently the guys were ahead of schedule and he thought that we could use a cleaning and that we would be willing to have them do it even if we didn't have the usual 24 hours notice.
Of course I said yes- anything that they will clean or do in our house I am willing to have done.
So Ruby and I left again and headed to chapters to read some bookies and returned an hour and a half later and our house was surprisingly minty fresh with clean vents.
The next day I went downstairs and I found this on my dryer.
NONE of this is ours.
Now can you see why I say ICKY? How else do you describe it?
I mean seriously that IS a shriveled up apple and an old used baby soother.
(Though I did clean and keep the basketball- gross I know....)
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