Thursday, November 10

Oh, Mail- How we love you!

There has been a high influx of mail in these parts lately and we LOVE IT!
It is probably our favorite thing! 
Right now we have been getting Christmas gifts so sadly we have not been able to open them.
So it was quite the treat when Ruby go this money in the mail from Grammie Ruby.
She was pretty excited!
 We hopped on the bike as soon as we could and headed to our favorite ice cream shop!  I don't know if she was more excited for the ice cream or the bike ride!
 We got them their favorite baby cones!!  They are so cute and just enough for the kids!
 And we actually ran into some friends their coincidentally and so we were able to get an actual family picture!
If we are lucky that won't be the last bike ride of the season....
(For those of you asking how you can make it on the blog- all you need do is send us some mail- we REALLY love mail...)

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