Wednesday, June 29

Mrs. Dr. Snell

It has happened.  The end of school has been reached.
I am now Mrs. Dr. Snell.
Justin is no longer a student.  He has graduated and now prefers to be referred to as DOCTOR!
Need to know something about your eyes?
Call him!
Need a foreign body removed from your eye?
He can do it!
Can't see?
Definitely come to Dr. Snell.
He is a pretty amazing doctor.  You know, if I do say so myself.
We are excited and grateful and we feel truly blessed.
We had the opportunity to make our way back to Waterloo for the actual graduation.
And I am so glad we did.
Walking off that plane was like walking back home.
It felt good.
I really do love it there.
The graduation was really fun and long and tiring.
Ok, the only fun part was Justin walking across the stage- definitely a small portion of the whole grad experience but worth the two poops Myers had that I had to change outside on the grass because there wasn't a change table around, watching grad and then realizing that Myers was playing with the felt markers and was covered in them, and lets not forget the crazy guy who would not get out of our graduation photos.
He seriously stood behind Justin and his parents for about 3 minutes then he moved to beside them for a while and then he decided that he would stand in front of them for a while.  It was crazy.  Like something from an SNL skit...
And the day after graduation we found out that Justin passed the last section of his boards!  So he really truly is a doctor and it feels AMAZING!
Some photos for your enjoyment!

 Justin and the kids during the ceremony
 This is where Noni spent most of his time...
 And he received his degree!!!
 Ruby was a little leery- she isn't used to seeing her dad in a black dress.  But she warmed up to him after a few hours...
 The Optometry grads!  Justin is in the middle on the right... can you spot him?
 YAY!  School is over!!!
 Justin and his parents- notice the arm to the right- that was the guy who was oblivious to the fact that people were taking pictures.... I like the 'seriously??' look he is getting from Don!!

This was the after grad dinner we had.  The kids were a little exhausted to say the least....  But it made for a nice quiet dinner...


  1. Yeah for Justin. I am so proud. And, I'm so glad that man in red did what I paid him to do and ruined all your pictures. Mwahahahaha.

  2. I couldn't see Justin in the photo with all the optometry grads. Maybe I should get my eyes checked.

  3. Oh and congratulations!

  4. I am so proud of you both! You guys have worked so hard and Justin definitely looks like a Doctor now. (I have erased a certain game of Sorry from my head in order for this to be so). My favorite picture is the one with Justin holding Noni. It speaks volumes. Not only did this guy work very hard for years, but he had a family while he did it and he is an awesome and devoted dad! You guys deserve to be super happy. Let the good times roll!


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